Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Satellite by Nick Lake

 Narrated by Leo who is 15 and writes in a kind of 'sms'ese. The language irks at the beginning but in a short while the story drags you in and you forget the irritating 'I c u's' etc. He was born on moon 2, an international space station and has lived there with twins Libra and Orion. At 16, they will be brought back to earth. A distant mother, an ex astronaut, now rancher grandfather and a company that monopolizes space travel (amazon?) and yuri (gagarin?) form the rest of the characters. We do not move far from Leo's orbit of emotions and experiences. Which is fine, he is obviously a teenager. The ending is good, though I had imagined some other fun outcome.

Spoilers ahead:

Wouldn't it have been fun if Leo, Libra and Orion had somehow moved to the moon, where Leo uses his intelligence to build a new society and Libra gardens with her magic fingers and Orion....well, he could broadcast symphonies from space!


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