Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A discovery of witches - Deborah Harkness

The blurb was promising but as I went further and further into the book the promise went further away.

One of the most genetically endowed witches in the world (her parents were powerful witches) chooses to live like normal humans after her parents tragic death and is a history professor. A chance encounter with a mysterious spell bound book attracts every creature in the vicinity towards her and her 'normal' life. Creatures  - Witches, Vampires and Daemons ofcourse hate each other and as the story unfolds are forced to co operate. The 'hero' is a vampire genius who has a very low opinion about women. And as the pages unfold, the romance is driven froward and the plot goes downhill. So many possibilities could have been explored but although the writing is above par, the plot provokes curiosity and the romance is carefully portrayed, I came away with a sour feeling. The main cause  - the portrayal of women. The heroine witch soon turns into a 'Twilight' vampire pheromone afflicted character. The point of her being the strongest witch around gets lost with the plot soon surrounding the men when it comes to any form of action. I agree women like to be taken care of sometimes but after the word 'wife' is introduced, all our powerful witch does is worry and swoon while the men plan a war.

The book ends in a cliffhanger, which again puts me in a foul mood. So all in all, great plot, great characters doing 'twilghty' things and making you feel like throwing the book away.


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