Monday, March 28, 2011

Red Riding Hood 2011

If you have read/studied the basic of psychology, this movie is no surprise. If you haven't, then too its no big surprise. The moment I heard Twilight director, should have stayed away. But I ended up dragging myself and 7 other poor members of the public to the theatre. Amanda Seyfried is red riding hood that sleepwalks and uses to blue blue eyes every five minutes to glower, glamour and glance seductively at everyone around. Everyone else seems incidental including the two leading men who do anything but lead.They seemed to have endlessly watched Rob Pattison and then reproduced his single expression all through the movie.What Gary Oldman is doing in the movie is a mystery, even to Gary Oldman himself. The only cool thing in the entire movie - that beautiful scarlet cloak and Gary Oldman's silver nails.
All in all - Avoid at all costs!